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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

AZCGP - What? Where? How? Who? Why? Why Now? 

AZCGP Mission      

Educate, motivate, and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning.

    AZCGP Vision          

We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm. 

Monthly Meetings

Generally, monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month.

Arizona Community Foundation

2201 E Camelback Rd #405b, Phoenix, AZ 85016

Reservations for the meeting are timely received by 5pm the Thursday prior to the meeting.

To make a reservation, right here, on line!
Programs are generally held as lunch programs 


Registration 11:15 AM
AZCGP Business: 11:50 AM
Program: 12:00 PM
Conclude:  1:15 PM

Monthly meetings feature a mix of:

  • In-depth presentations of advanced concepts and timely topics frequently given by nationally recognized experts and speakers.
  • "Charitable Gift Planning 101" format.  Each session provides useful knowledge and skills that can be put to immediate use.

In most cases, programs are expected to qualify for professional continuing education (CE) credits. Speakers are required to supply a comprehensive outline; attendance is kept on record, and in all sessions, questions and attendee interaction with presenters is encouraged. 

Meet Our Staff:

Administrative services provided by: Premium Organization
Ph:  602-840-2900  X1
Fx:  480-922-5283

Mailing Address:  PO Box 4130, Scottsdale, AZ  85261
Please call for shipping address

Administrative Director: Stephanie Weadock

Administrative Assistant:  Amanda Holtzlander

Bookkeeper: Laurel Frisbie

Leadership and Board Services: Melissa Kemp  


The Arizona Charitable Gift Planners (AZCGP) is an Arizona non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, committed to developing an interdisciplinary network of knowledgeable estate, tax, financial, legal, and fund raising professionals in AZ. 

Our organization is impacting the quality of life in our community and our legacy will result in a better future for our children.  What are you doing in your professional practice?  Want to know more about us?

The collective work of the professionals in our network powerfully impacts our state by promoting philanthropy through major gifts and planned gifts, and helping mission driven organizations connect with their support base in meaningful and uplifting ways.

In Arizona, the Arizona Charitable Gift Planners are responsible for bringing you Leave a Legacy (R), for representing the voice of the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning (our national parent organization), and for hosting and leading the only forum entirely dedicated to financial, legal, tax, or fundraising professionals who want to harness the power of planned giving strategies for their clients and donors.

We believe the impact and the planning opportunities for strategic gifting (charitable and non-charitable) have never been greater.  Join us Now!



Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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