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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

February 18, 2014 Lunch Program and Committee Sessions

  • 18 Feb 2014
  • 11:15 AM - 1:45 PM
  • Phoenix Country Club


  • Registrations received after timely RSVP deadline of noon the Thursday prior to the event

Registration is closed
   "Planned Giving at the Intersection of Faith and Generosity:  Holy Work Fostering Holy Work"
  The Rev'd Canon Timothy M. Dombek
  The Episcopal Diocese of Arizona

Program Description: 

Tithing, the zakat, and tzedakah, are historical religiously centered concepts for giving that have carried forth across time, continents, and cultures.  Did you know that the concept of planned giving... giving from accumulated assets... also has historical, religious and philosophical deep roots?  How can our conversations with our clients honor their faith traditions and benefit their planning and those organizations they value? Attend and learn more...

Registration begins at 11:15am; committee shirtsleeves session and lunch until 12:05, Announcements 12:05 pm, Program commences at 12:15 pm; Presenter concludes at 1:15 pm, dialogue with presenters and complete shirtsleeves sessions until  1:30pm.  Adjourn by 1:30 pm

 Many Thanks to our Lunch Sponsor!
  "Your Logo and Link Could Be Here"
Sponsorship Opportunities
Last minute cancellations:  If you find you cannot attend, an e-mail to gives us an idea of how many extra seats we may have for those arriving "at the door".

Attending At the Door?  Here's more information.......

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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