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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

October 15, 2013 Lunch Program and Committee Sessions

  • 15 Oct 2013
  • 11:15 AM - 1:45 PM
  • Phoenix Country Club


  • Registrations received after timely RSVP deadline of noon the Thursday prior to the event

Registration is closed
Topic:  Not just another Planned Giving Advisory board, but...
   "Planned Giving Professional Advisory Boards that work!"
   Matthew Dana, JD, LLM, CPA, CLU, ChFC
  Managing Partner, Dana Law Firm

Program Description:

If you've never heard Matt Dana present, you won't want to miss this meeting, just to experience this speaker.

Past evaluations of Matt's style and impact only tell part of the story:  "Easy to follow, engaging, humorous, directly on point, best presenter I have heard in years"...just to name a few.

In addition to Matt's presentation, we continue our committee support with shirtsleeves work during the luncheon portion of the meetings.  Our committee conversations were so lively, and so enjoyable, last month, Russ didn't want to break them up!

The presentation will cover:

Purpose of Professional Advisory Boards
Structure of Professional Advisory Boards
3.       Professional Advisory Board Chair
4.       Benefits of Serving on the Professional Advisory Board
5.       Meetings
Implementation Plan
Measures of Success

Registration begins at 11:15am; committee shirtsleeves session and lunch until 12:05, Announcements 12:05 pm, Program commences at 12:15 pm; Presenter concludes at 1:15 pm, dialogue with presenters and complete shirtsleeves sessions until  1:30pm.  Adjourn by 1:30 pm

 Many Thanks to our Lunch Sponsor!
Last minute cancellations:  If you find you cannot attend, an e-mail to gives us an idea of how many extra seats we may have for those arriving "at the door".

Attending At the Door?  Here's more information.......

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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