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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

November Monthly Program: "Creative Trust Planning for Charitable Giving"

  • 21 Nov 2023
  • 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Ability 360: 5031 Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034


  • Please email or call (480)409-8522 for registration code.

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"Creative Trust Planning for Charitable Giving"

Stephan King, CPA, PFS

Sole Practitioner

Stephan King, PC

Brent W. Nelson


Rimon, P.C.

Many planned giving options that provide the donor or the donor’s family with some benefits involved trusts. This presentation will discuss the rules relating to charitable remainder trusts and charitable lead trusts, presenting practical and creative options for each. Then, the audience will learn how to maximize tax benefits for distributions directly to charity from a trust, especially after a donor’s death, and will discuss how charities can protect themselves from onerous restrictions when accepting charitable distributions.

Learning Objectives:

-Understand CRTs and CLTs

-Learn flexible options for CRT and CLT planning

-Become familiar with income tax deduction limitations on trusts

-Learn how UPMIFA can make charitable gifts a burden, and how to limit the 


Huge Thank You to This Programs Sponsor!

Program is Approved for one (1) PT    CE credit

Program is Approved for one (1) HR CE Credit

Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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