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Formerly known as Planned Giving Round Table of Arizona


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Mission: Educate, motivate and empower our community to collectively promote and facilitate charitable gift planning

Vision: We envision an enriched community where leaving a legacy through charitable gift planning is the social norm

October Monthly Meeting: "When Your Donor Calls an Attorney"

  • 17 Oct 2023
  • 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Ability 360 5031 Washington St, Phoenix, AZ 85034


  • Please email or call (480)409-8522 for registration code.

Registration is closed

"When Your Donor Calls an Attorney"


T. James Lee      

Director/ Shareholder

Fennemore Craig, P.C. 


Chris Siegle

 Managing Director 

JP Morgan Private Bank

Have you ever wanted to be a fly on the wall with a donor and their trusted advisor as they discuss charitable giving?  Does the idea of being at the table for this discussion leave you wary?  Join Arizona Charitable Gift Planners for a discussion with local experts, Chris Siegle and Jim Lee as they pull back the curtain on why a donor calls their lawyer. 

Huge Thank You to This Programs Sponsor!

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Arizona Charitable Gift Planners

  602.840.2900 X1

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